Revista Virtual de Estudos da Linguagem - ReVEL
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Special issues
Revista Virtual de Estudos da Linguagem - ReVEL
Vol. 13 – number 9 - November de 2015 - ISSN 1678-8931
TOPIC: X Workshop on Formal Linguistics: selected papers - organized by Pablo Ribeiro & Sergio Menuzzi

:: Selected papers from the X Workshop on Formal Linguistics: a presentation ::, Pablo Nunes Ribeiro & Sergio de Moura Menuzzi
Brazilian Portuguese 'mesmo' in 'ele mesmo' as a scalar focus particle: evidence from acquisitional data, Renato Caruso Vieira
Degree modification in Brazilian Portuguese and in Karitiana, Ana Paula Quadros Gomes & Luciana Sanchez Mendes
Demonstrations with deictic demonstratives – in defense of Wolter’s notion of non-default situation, Lovania Roehrig Teixeira & Sergio de Moura Menuzzi
Formal similarities and distinctions between the contrastive markers mas (but), já (already) and agora (now) in Brazilian Portuguese, Wânia Miranda & Fernanda Rosa Silva
Is 'smuggling' really necessary? The most recent analyses of passivesentences reconsidered in termsof phasehood and cyclic movement, João C. de Lima Júnior & Marina R.A. Augusto
Notes on Speakers’ Intuitions and Judgments in Linguistic Theory and Psycholinguistics: The Case of Q-Expressions in BrP, Mercedes Marcilese & Erica dos Santos Rodrigues

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